Can A Fever Be Dangerous?


Fevers should be discussed as many people are still under the impression that fevers can be dangerous. Fevers are not dangerous. No, even high fevers are not. They are protective and a fever by itself is not the cause of any issue, it is the innate solution.

Let’s take a look at the National Institute of Health’s Guidelines on fevers updated in 2021:

“Antipyretic agents do not prevent febrile convulsions and should not be used specifically for this purpose.” (1)

“Consider using either paracetamol or ibuprofen in children with fever who appear distressed.” (2)

“Do not use antipyretic agents with the sole aim of reducing body temperature in children with fever.” (3)


Throughout the entire clinical guidelines they recommend to simply help the child stay as comfortable as possible but to not use fever reducers to stop seizures or to lower body temp as this is misguided. They explain that the child should be hydrated, kept as comfortable as possible and monitored for other underlying issues.

A fever itself is not a concern, the child should be observed for dehydration and overall alertness. Those are the concerns.

Children’s Hospitals all over are starting to talk about these misconceptions.

Take a look at Seattle Children’s Hospital article Fever Myths Versus Facts:

“Many parents have false beliefs (myths) about fever. They think fever will hurt their child. They worry and lose sleep when their child has a fever. This is called fever phobia. In fact, fevers are harmless and often helpful. Let these facts help you better understand fever.” (4)


MYTH. Fevers above 104° F (40° C) are dangerous. They can cause brain damage.

FACT. Fevers with infections don’t cause brain damage. Only temperatures above 108° F (42° C) can cause brain damage. It’s very rare for the body temperature to climb this high. It only happens if the air temperature is very high. An example is a child left in a closed car during hot weather. (5)

MYTH. Seizures with fever are harmful.

FACT. These seizures are scary to watch, but they stop within 5 minutes. They don’t cause any permanent harm. They don’t increase the risk for speech delays, learning problems, or seizures. (6)

MYTH. Without treatment, fevers will keep going higher.

FACT. Wrong, because the brain knows when the body is too hot. Most fevers from infection don’t go above 103° or 104° F (39.5°- 40° C). They rarely go to 105° or 106° F (40.6° or 41.1° C). While these are “high” fevers, they also are harmless ones. (7)

MYTH. The exact number of the temperature is very important.

FACT. How your child looks and acts is what’s important. The exact temperature number is not. (8)


  • Don’t suppress the fever.
  • Stay hydrated with quality pure water and 100% homemade fruit juices.
  • Non petroleum vapor rub – rub it on chest and nose. More info here.
  • If sleep is disturbed can use lavender essential oil in a carrier oil on bottom of feet, spine, head to support sleep.
  • Topical magnesium spray or cream to help aches and pains.
  • Castor oil rubbed on on belly or back to help ease aches, pains and constipation.
  • Enemas can be used to rehydrate and to pull waste from colon.
  • Use skin on skin contact if a child is acutely sick.